Testing in Simple User Interface

Two steps are to be taken to run testing in Simple User Interface:

If you decide to test your local disks you do not have select anything. You just click on the "Play" button. Program automatically clicks on the button representing local disk and starts to test data stored on the local disk of your computer.

If you decide to test something else than local disks, for example a diskette, you only need to click on the button representing a diskette and then click on the "Play" button. The program will test a diskette.

If you decide to test more areas at once there is no problem. Select areas you want to test by step by step clicking on their icons and then click on the "Play" button.

If the pre-defined areas are not enough or you want to specify the areas more accurately, click on the picture of a folder. A window containing an explorer-like tree will appear. Choose the folder you want to test and then click on the "Play" button.

Buttons used for a selection of tested areas work as switches. You turned them on after one click and off after the other click.

If you want to pause testing click on the "Pause" button and the testing will be paused. After reclicking on this button, the testing will continue.

If you want to shut testing before it finishes, click on the "Stop" button and the testing will be shut.

Text displayed in the information window informs you about the testing process. If a virus is found during the testing a virus warning message will be displayed. This message is described in the "Common control options/Virus warning message" chapter.

When the testing is finished Results Table can be displayed showing information about testing finished: run time, number of tested and infected files. The information window will contain briefly described result of testing. If it says "No virus found" everything is ok.

Testing results table

However, if the "Virus found!!!" message appears it will be accompanied by window showing the list of infected files.

Window showing the list of infected files

Each item of the list can be treated by "Move", "Delete" or "Repair" buttons.

The meaning of these buttons is described in the "Files treatment by AVAST32 program" chapter.